Changi 1st & Changi LoveSG
Putting the Spotlight on Changi’s Best
The Changi Seal of Excellence
Changi Airport Group(CAG)
Bernando Nurtjahana
Tee Xinyi -
Changi Airport Group(CAG)
Bernando Nurtjahana
Tee Xinyi -
BLACK was tasked to develop a visual device to elevate two sub-brands of products offered at Changi Airport: Changi First, which recognises exclusive product first or concept first launches; and Changi LoveSG, which showcases and promotes a curated selection of products made in Singapore or which carry a Singapore identity.
Both brand marks consist of the logotypes housed inside ribbon seals. They are designed to complement the products and campaigns of retailers, without competing with key information. In addition, they bring awareness to these products by serving as a ‘seal of excellence’—a finishing touch that complements the visual device of a gift wrapper utilised by the Changi retail arm.
The brand marks may be applied across digital, print, and physical mediums. They can also be expanded to communicate specific subcategories of products, such as ‘Taste of Singapore’, which recognises the best F&B products of Singapore that both travellers and locals will enjoy.
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